Additive-Free Alliance Brand


Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1579

Recent Ratings

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Frankie Medina
Tequila Badass
469 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
875 ratings

Andrew Davis
Tequila Phenom
324 ratings

Andrew Davis
Tequila Phenom
324 ratings

Andrew Davis
Tequila Phenom
324 ratings

Keith Bogart (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
219 ratings

Nose: agave / hint of cinnamon/ earth and mineral/ pepper / hint of fruit / orange peel / lime / grapefruit/ lemongrass / orange blossom/ salt Taste: sweet agave cooked / vanilla / licorice/ cinnamon/ banana/ apple / lime/ peppermint/ orange blossom/ baking spice/ cream soda Finish: lightly viscous mouthfeel with lingering delicious sweet agave, anise, and vanilla flavors that are very well balanced with the pepper/cinnamon notes. The sweetness is bold and does s great job of masking the 54% abv. The slight bittersweet final finish note is resolved with more lingering sweet and minty freshness This high proof blanco brings some bold flavors that hide the high 54% abv. There’s a good balance to the flavors through some delicious cinnamon/ pepper notes - signature G4/ NOM 1579 tastes. The nose is a little weak, but the taste and finish make up for it. Very good and easy to recommend.

Anthony Freda
Tequila Ninja
144 ratings

Anthony Freda
Tequila Ninja
144 ratings

Keith Bogart (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
219 ratings

Nose: agave / earth / pepper/ minerals / vegetal / faint citrus / lime / lemongrass/ hay / hint of floral/ salt / alcohol Taste: sweet cooked agave / vanilla/ cinnamon/ pepper / vegetal / earth / banana/ lime / anise / lemongrass/ spearmint/ tea / orange blossom/ light cream soda Finish: crisp clean bright lightly viscous mouthfeel / fantastic cooked agave is center stage while the pepper, earth, minerals, and alcohol all are there but they’re just the rhodies at a rock show. They’re working hard they just can’t overcome the sweetness which is playing a guitar solo. This blanco is a great entry level point for many tequila lovers. You can find it easily but the taste of this G4 blanco just keeps you coming back for more.

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Business Wire
Jul 14, 2020

New Additive-Free Verification Program Helps Consumers Make Educated Purchase Decisions

The team behind the Tequila Matchmaker have launched a “Verified Additive Free” program for tequila brands and distilleries. This is the first known independent, additive-free verification in the spirits world.

Long Island Lou Tequila
Nov 16, 2019

Best 2 Overall and Most Traditional Tequila Brands

Lou does a video review comparing Fortaleza, G4, Terralta, Pasote, and and Volans tequilas.

Long Island Lou Tequila
Feb 07, 2019

G4 "55" High Proof Extra Añejo - Another Felipe Camarena Masterpiece

This gem is for serious Extra Añejo lovers who can deal with a higher price, but also an extremely high quality fine sipping tequila, from maybe the top tequila maker in the world.

Food & Wine
Aug 13, 2018

A Trip Along the Tequila Trail in Jalisco, Mexico

In Jalisco, you’re never far from an agave field or the delicious, distilled fruits of the harvest.?
Jul 24, 2018

Process Matters in Tequila Production. Here’s the Proof.

For years we’ve been saying “process matters”, and that each choice made during the production process will find its way into the finished product. Now we have proof.
Jun 27, 2018

4 New Blanco Tequilas That You Need to Know About

We sent six blanco tequilas to 28 members of the Tequila Matchmaker Tasting Panel to rate blind. Four of them are new to the market, and two of them are tequilas that have been around for a long time.
Jun 26, 2018

The World’s Highest Rated Tequila Distilleries

Tequila distilleries can differ from each other in many ways. So we used our database to find out which distilleries are creating tequilas that score highest among users of the Tequila Matchmaker app.
Jun 13, 2018

Agave Crisis: Boom, Bust or Business As Usual?

The truth behind “the coming tequila shortage”, and the real risks the industry faces.
Nov 05, 2017

Judging a Spirits Competition by Its Winners? Sure, why not?

Traditionally-made Tequilas Rise to the Top of the 2017 Spirits of Mexico Competition.