Casa San Matias

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1103

Recent Ratings

See how Casa San Matias ranks in our community.

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1064 ratings

Remy Newland
Tequila Wizard
988 ratings

Not a bad value to price profile. But just leaves me flat - a bit too oaky and sweet…

Tom Harrison
Tequila Savant
243 ratings

Juan Carlos Martin Roaro
Tequila Phenom
344 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
880 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
880 ratings

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Boss
507 ratings

Wow, this is so smooth and approachable. I can barely detect any alcohol, just sweet roasted agave and some overripe apple. This is lights out.

Don Heiser
Tequila Wizard
989 ratings

Simon Gutierrez
Tequila Phenom
351 ratings

Latest News

Keep up with what's happening with Casa San Matias

Long Island Lou Tequila
Aug 25, 2020

San Matias Tahona - A Top Notch Blanco

Lou gives a full video review of this traditionally-made tequila.
Apr 06, 2017

San Matias Tahona Blanco – “Rock Star”

There’s a lot to love about this particular tequila, and the name alone makes one reason clear. Any tequila that involves a tahona in the production process will win a special place in our heart, and this one is no exception.

Tequila Aficionado
Jun 20, 2013

Tequila Boss Ladies

Prominent women are behind many of the successful tequila brands available in the marketplace today.

Apr 09, 2013

Full List of Winners in the 2013 Ultimate Spirits Challenge

The Ultimate Spirits "not like any other competition and doesn’t want to be" Challenge have released their results for 2013.