Viva Mexico

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1414

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Ryan Meaney
Tequila Ninja
179 ratings

Tasted at Sip Tequila Fest Still getting that earthy, mineral characteristic I found in the blanco, but the oak is prevalent & imparting a ton of sweetness. Not as fruity as the anejo, but I found this very lightly oaked repo to be a nice change of pace. Cooked agave, wet rocks, light fruits, a vegetal element, some light caramel/butterscotch, black pepper with a nice finish.

Ryan Meaney
Tequila Ninja
179 ratings

Tasted at Sip Tequila Fest I was surprised to find a vegetal & earthy profile in this blanco from Viva Mexico. Fresh grass, wet dirt, green bell pepper, some jalapeño, and black pepper. Not as sweet as I was anticipating, considering how sweet Viva Mexico’s anejo profile is. A great blanco!

Lou Agave (Long Island Lou Tequila)
Tequila Wizard
616 ratings

Frankie Medina
Tequila Boss
523 ratings

Adam Stemmler
Tequila Phenom
371 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Robert Frost
Tequila Phenom
301 ratings

Attended a tasting event and this was the only one not previously rated. Very light amber color, considering it was in the barrel for 2 years. Aroma of cooked agave, oak and vanilla. Flavor of cooked agave, black pepper, oak and cinnamon. Medium finish.