Additive-Free Alliance Brand

Gran Dovejo

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1414

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Ken Ihrer (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
226 ratings

A very tasty Anejo. Nice sweet agave on the nose followed by a nice barrel influenced of oak, vanilla, caramel and cinnamon. I also get a floral aroma with a fruitiness. On the palate, nice and sweet, almost like a dessert with butter on top. Barrel flavors are there with a little oak, vanilla and caramel. I get the whiskey flavor from the barrel but at just the right touch. This is a natural process tequila that could slam the big boys with its natural sweetness vs that artificial sweetener. Mouthfeel is great with a medium viscosity and a nice clean finish. This is a definite recommendation.

Ken Ihrer (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
226 ratings

This Gran Dovejo Repo has a signature 1414 nose like many of its cousins. Nice sweet agave. Apple is prevalent and also barrel notes such as vanilla and cinnamon. I also get almond and caramel. This is a good nose but it is light compared to other 1414s. Cooked agave is very forward on the palate. I get oak, cinnamon and bit of black pepper. Vanilla and caramel and a bit of banana. The mouthfeel was a little thin. A bit of alcohol on the finish. I would definitely recommend this one and it is a reasonably priced repo.

Jon Novak
Tequila Phenom
321 ratings

*This review is for the GD cask strength reposado* Beautiful barrel nose and easy going palate. Caramel palate to it. I like this.

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
875 ratings

Keith Bogart (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
219 ratings

Nose: vanilla/ sweet cooked agave / caramel/ butter / banana/ pineapple/ lime / hint of other citrus / nutmeg / chocolate/ molasses/ cream soda Taste : sweet cooked agave / vanilla/ cinnamon/ oak / pear / apple / peach / hint of citrus / mint / anise / spearmint/ black tea / all spice / hint of honey / chocolate/ molasses / cream soda Finish: a very clean and lightly vicious mouthfeel that is very sweet, smooth, and very good / lingering vanilla and light mint make for an excellent finish This anejo is very good with vanilla and sweet cooked agave staying with you the whole taste…so many other tastes and aromas , but the more I pour the more vanilla and agave carry the whole melody in concert with caramel and chocolate notes.

Keith Bogart (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
219 ratings

Nose: sweet agave / pepper / earth / fruity / alcohol / melon / orange peel / lemongrass / salt Taste: agave bomb!!! / pepper / cinnamon/ earth / pineapple/ banana / green apple / orange peel/ spearmint/ Finish: super clean low viscosity mouthfeel / so smooth! / incredibly bold flavors of sweet agave and pepper / slight alcohol and bitter end This high proof blanco shows off the powerful flavors that can be captured/retained in high abv expressions. There’s a slight bittersweet finish that’s enjoyable and leaves you wanting more. Another hit from 1414.

Keith Bogart (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Savant
219 ratings

Nose: agave sweet / vanilla/ pepper / earth /apple / grapefruit/ butterscotch/ alcohol Taste: agave sweetness/ pepper/ vanilla/ caramel/ banana/ apple / citrus / peppermint/ orange peel / allspice/ chocolate/ molasses/ cream soda Finish: very low viscous texture / agave sweet through to the end/pepper lingering taste NOM 1414 delivers on this Reposado. A great soldier in the front line of Gran Dovejo. Very nice!!

Anthony Freda
Tequila Ninja
144 ratings

Josh Ohlinger @QueenCLTequila
Tequila Ninja
138 ratings

Lot 155, Bottle 135 The aroma on this is one of my all time favorites. Cooked agave framed in barrel notes and baking spices. The flavor matches the aroma and the extra proof overcomes the barrel aging. Another masterpiece from 1414.

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Business Wire
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The Lowdown on Tequila Additives

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Delicious Gran Dovejo Tequila in Europe

When USA Todays 10Best made a user voting in order to award the 10 best “craft tequilas” and Gran Dovejo popped up among the best – even before Siete Leguas, the European tequila aficionados naturally wanted to have a taste.
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Gran Dovejo Tequila Blanco – “Bright Star”

A truly good blanco is hard to find. You can’t use the aging process to cover up any unpleasantness, and the agave has to shine. Shine it does is this bright, rich, agave experience! That’s why Gran Dovejo Blanco has a permanent spot in our home bar.

PR Web
Apr 02, 2013

Tequila Gran Dovejo Receives top Honors at the 2013 Spirits of the Americas Competition

Mendez Imports proudly announced today that their main product Tequila Gran Dovejo was awarded Best of Class in the Blanco and Reposado Tequila categories during the 2013 Spirits of the Americas competition.