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Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1477

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Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Chad C
Tequila Badass
488 ratings

This is unique and polarizing. I like it. Smoke and slight bitterness on the aroma. Good flavor. The smoke is mellow on the finish.

Kelly Pucci
Tequila Wizard
839 ratings

Frankie Medina
Tequila Boss
523 ratings

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1140 ratings

Danny The Tequilist
Tequila Savant
289 ratings

Nose: This nose is right down my lane. Agave! Plum, fruits, sweet banana, earth, and a hint of smoke. (Thank you!) Palate: All I could hope is the palate tasted like the aromas. This did not disappoint. Explosion of agave, orange, black pepper with a nice amount of smoke. This is by far one of the best blancos I’ve had in 2024! Finish: Cheeks get some heat with a long finish of pepper and agave.

Tom Hendry
Tequila Phenom
303 ratings

ChristineH Tequila.Diva IG / Tequila Sippers FB
Tequila Wizard
688 ratings

10/2024 tasted blind in the TMM high-proof blinds rated 82 pts SS-05 I let this sit 30+min nose = very familiar! strong nose, funky, fruit/cantelope? what is it?! palate = sweet and funky! so familiar! cantelope and cheese finish = delayed. at first there's nothing. then the pepper kicks in. then anise, and it lingers awhile

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Nov 22, 2024

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