Very straight forward Lacks aroma complexity, but has agave, black pepper and alcohol. Basic and cheap, great for a bunch of margaritas.
This is a mixto. Aroma has a hint of agave. Flavor was alcohol heat with a bit of pepper, but not much else. Medium finish.
Have neat at a friends house. Aroma cooked agave and vegetal , herbal, citrus, pear, lemon, green banana. Flavor; agave, mint, lime, herbal, citrus, celery. Finish medium and peppery.
This is by far my favourite mixto, depending on when it was produced it can have up to 85% agave. This stuff isn’t “good” in the grand scheme of things but I won’t kick it out of a margarita. Lots of floral notes and not as much bite as you expect from the style.
Green agave and fake sweetner aroma. Not really enjoyable for me.
At 35%ABV this is watered down and tastes it. 200 ml bottle I bought in PV a year and a half ago. Disappointed. I have had some other Orendain products and liked them but this is poor.
Tasted as Casa que Canta in Zihuatenejo. Fruity, sweet, not as smooth or sweet as Chinaco.
2010 Marbete stamp. 38% ABV Nose: Slightly floral, light pepper, a green vegetal note. A tiny smokey element. Flavor: Pepper, alcohol and some burn present. I’m not sure that I would have pegged this as a mixto. I’m told that this blanco can contain 70+ % blue Weber. It tastes clean to me. Sufficient agave sweetness. But pretty simple and uncomplicated. Probably a fine ingredient for Palomas and the like. Finish has some bitter bite however.