González 1939

Jalisco (Ciénega)
Nom 1570

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Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1048 ratings

This tequila is super thick, heavy, oily in the mouth. Aroma is cooked agave and cinnamon, which I like. Flavor is a bit muted due to the thickness in the mouth.

John Mehrkens (@jmehrk35)
Tequila Phenom
396 ratings

Cooked agave, citrus, pepper, celery and some vegetal notes. Green agave in the background. Short to medium finish. An above average Spirits Direct brand from Total Wine for around $40

John Mehrkens (@jmehrk35)
Tequila Phenom
396 ratings

Jon Novak
Tequila Phenom
325 ratings

Agave on the nose which is always nice. Mid palate is soft with a little bit of heat on the finish. I’ll sip it but not sure it’ll be replaced with so many other options available. Glad to try it though. $39 at Total Wine. Update: this one opened up nicely after revisiting. I would buy it again. It’s got nice agave on the palate. Little bit of sweetness.

Dustin James
Tequila Ninja
137 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
879 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
879 ratings

Jeremy Kinney
Tequila Ninja
183 ratings

Scott Sampson
Tequila Savant
233 ratings