Artificial sweetener, cream soda, vanilla candy, oak notes like caramel & butterscotch, some agave present but largely masked by sweetener. Sugary lasting finish with a thick viscosity and very minimal heat, “smooth” from introduction of additives. From the showy design of the bottle, to the flavor profile of the juice inside, this offering is marketed towards those who do not like tequila.
Nose: vanilla - artificial/ caramel/butter/ hint of cinnamon/ banana/ melon / orange peel / anise/ spearmint/ tea /hint of lavender/ nutmeg/ faint chocolate/ molasses/ cake batter Taste: artificial vanilla/ artificial sweetener/ cinnamon/ banana/ apple/ lime / anise / black tea / baking spice / nutmeg/ hint of tobacco/ molasses/ raisin/ cake batter Finish: a watery and yet also slightly viscous mouthfeel washes away with the artificial sweetener and most of the artificial vanilla. But the lingering artificial sweetener and some fake vanilla flavor make camp on your tongue and ask about buying a plot. This anejo cristalino is filled with additives. The nose is pleasant if you like vanilla, but this tequila is just spilling over with artificial flavors that are not enjoyable.
Complete vanilla cake icing bomb. No agave present. Additive City. If you like Adictivo or Clase Azul have at it. This is NOT for someone looking for traditionally made tequila. A brand that Total Wine likes to push (Spirits Direct). Hard pass for me
Total Wine Spirits Direct brand. Probably the best of the line, but I would not drink due to the unnatural sweetness. Aroma and flavor both are heavy on caramel, vanilla, oak, root beer toffee. The finish reveals the cloying sweetness. As with others in the brands lineup, I give zero points for Drink Again and zero for Recommend (unless you like Adictivo or similar profile). Can't see the value at $99
Aroma and flavor mirror each other. Liquid Werther's Caramel Candy, raw agave, oak. Very unnatural. Short finish with a Splenda like feel on the tongue that lingers. Zero points for "Drink Again" and zero for "Recommend". However, if you like Adictivo this would be along that palate preference and therefore, I would recommend.
Nose: alcohol / oak / earth / lemon / dill / lavender Taste: artificial sweetener/ tropical fruit/ melon / maple syrup / cream soda Finish : sweet! / maple & buttercream / quick finish leaving a very sweet thick mouthfeel There’s an artificial sweetener taste in this tequila that is so overpowering that it detracts from some of the traditionally correct tequila flavors. I wonder what it’s TMM score would be if this aspartame type sweetener was removed?
wax and cinnamon aroma. no agave. unnaturally sweet. popular Total Wine brand. the line is sweeter as you get to the aged expressions (especially the cristalinos). fine if you like that flavor profile, but not for me
This is an example of how additives can make a tequila taste nothing like tequila. The nose is overly sweet and you could get similar notes sniffing a bottle of vanilla extract. The flavor goes beyond just the vanilla and adds a beautiful white cake batter to the profile. You know, for those who don’t really like the taste of tequila, this may be right up their alley. To call this a tequila is a sin. In my defense, I am willing to try anything that says it is a tequila. I want to know what is out there so I can say with conviction what I think of it. I say with conviction, this taste nothing like tequila but may make a decent after dinner dessert.