Bottle of Puro Potro Blanco

Puro Potro Blanco

Type: Tequila
Brand: Puro Potro
71 Ratings See All

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Production Details
NOM : 1514 ,
Agave Type : Tequilana Weber ,
Agave Region : - ,
Region : Jalisco (Ciénega) ,
Cooking : Autoclave (high pressure) ,
Extraction : Roller Mill ,
Water Source : Deep well water ,
Fermentation : Stainless steel tanks, 100% agave, Open-air fermentation, Fermentation without fibers, Proprietary yeast ,
Distillation : 2x distilled ,
Still : Stainless Pot w/Copper Coil ,
Aging : - ,
ABV/Proof : 42% abv (84-proof)
Other : -


Aromas & Flavors Detected By Our Community

Aromas Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)
Tropical Fruits
Toasted Bread

Flavors Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)


Personal Scores & Reviews From Our Community

Tequila Wizard
966 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Great price for this brand

Tequila Boss
527 ratings
  • 90 Rating

Quite possibly the king of the budget friendly blancos. Under 30 bucks for a liter? Worthy sipper! Fine mixer goes without saying!

Tequila Phenom
397 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Notes of pineapple and citrus, balanced out by agave and pepper. An incredible value in a liter bottle. From the team behind Cabal

Tequila Boss
531 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Liter bottle of sweet cooked agave, citrus, white pepper all under $30. What else do you want

Tequila Phenom
370 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Nice nose full of agave, easy going palate with some pepper on the finish and a very slight bitterness. For the price, this is worth picking up. Punches well above the class

Tequila Honey Badger
1447 ratings
  • 89 Rating

This is around 30 bucks for a liter and tastes like it costs several times that amount.

Tequila Ninja
115 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Nose: Earthy pepper with some light crisp character. Minor wood and caramel presence with elements of tropical fruit and citrus. Palate: Medium body with good viscosity. Lemon fruit with a spice backend. Tropical fruits, plum, and pineapple in the mid palate. Finishes with pepper and sharper citrus. The more I sip this, the more I like it. For $30 a liter, this is an undeniable great value.

Tequila Wizard
688 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Puro Potro - sampled at Sabor LA 2024 Nose: grass, earth, agave, citrus, mild pepper Palate: sweet cooked agave, cinnamon, pineapple, mild pepper and a slight malolactic note Finish: short with a nice warm heat Other: Nice viscosity. I can't wait to make some infusions and cocktails with it. And, it's also a very easy sipper! Dustin and Everardo hit this one out of the park! Note: At $30/liter, the value on this one is exceptional. Extra points for value!

Tequila Badass
482 ratings
  • 90 Rating

What a great tequila. The nose is unique with agave and warm bread. Pineapple and other citrus notes. The taste is sweet agave and citrus. I get a touch of floral notes and honey. A little lemon and pineapple. Great finish. Nice viscosity. I tasted this this as a 2oz sample as a sample swap. I will be seeking this out to purchase.

Tequila Ninja
126 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Aroma: agave, grape, fruity, vegetal, grassy Palate: agave, fruity, pineapple, pepper

Tequila Ninja
109 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Nose is cooked agave, earth, citrus and pepper Taste is Agave, pepper, pineapple. Great budget blanco The glass was a Chisholm Standard Proof Jarrito

Tequila Enthusiast
8 ratings
  • 95 Rating

Hands down the best bang for buck tequila on the market. This would trip up a lot of people in a blind tasting. Raw cooked agave, citrus, and a little pepper spice on the back end. This sips like a $40-50 blanco and at 1L and 42% there aren’t many tequilas sub $50 that can compete with this juice.

Tequila Phenom
309 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Vessel: Chisholm Trail Jarrito Nose: Earth, Agave, Pineapple, Minerality, Citrus, White Pepper Mouthfeel: light to light medium viscosity Palate: Agave, Pepper, cinnamon, honey, thyme Finish: Agave, Earth, Black Pepper. Very light, very easy to drink. There isn't a ton of complexity, but the quality for the price is a force to be reckoned with.

Tequila Ninja
135 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Nose: pepper, agave, light vanilla, citrus, cut grass, mineral, earthy, and pineapple. Palate: cooked agave, pineapple, citrus, earthy, slightly higher apv which enhances the flavors. Light mouth feel Finish: short-medium Overall, great for the price! Bought in LA for $27

Tequila Guru
89 ratings
  • 85 Rating

On the nose you get sweet agave, lots of citrus, pineapple, black pepper and a little earthy funkiness. On the palate you get that sweet agave, followed by some pineapple and lemon peel, black pepper, and a few herbal notes at the end.

Tequila Badass
416 ratings
  • 73 Rating

Flat finish, no real substance, way too green

Tequila Phenom
334 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Tasted in Glencairn Glass Aroma: Cooked Agave, Earthy, Citrus Vegetal, Cinnamon, Herbal, Tropical Fruits, and Cooked Sweet Potatoes. Taste: Very Sweet Agave, Pineapple, Spicy Cinnamon, White Pepper, Vegetal, Floral, Herbal, and Vanilla

Tequila Ninja
126 ratings
  • 91 Rating

On the nose agave bom, followed by sweet cinnamon and citrus. On the pallet a beautiful oily mouth feel with a punch of cooked agave, warmth citrus and cinnamon as a mid after taste. The finish is long with a slight touch of anise bitterness that balances very well. I am confused, I paid less than 30 dlls for this masterpiece!!!!

Tequila Fan
4 ratings
  • 90 Rating

For the money, this blanco is spot on. I sip it and it’s become my new go to for mixing cocktails. It’s an agave bomb when you open the bottle and the tasting notes are clean and refreshing with cooked agave, a dusting of pepper, citrus and herbs.

Tequila Maniac
31 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Flavor: Sweet agave, light cinnamon & short finish. This has really soft edges that gives blancos like Nom 1499 Mijenta & Lalo a run for their money. Picture a 42% abv Viva Mexico blanco. Viscosity: It coats the glass well not super thick or thin, nice legs in the glass. I am impressed with what can be done with a high pressure autoclave & mature agaves. I think the fermentation was similar to champagne yeast because of the flavor. I can see why people rate it 90 but it really is an 87 because it is not complex. The price point brings it higher no doubt but in my book it lands safely at 88. Some people would give it an 89 & I would not disagree. Edit 8-28-24 “why does it leave my glass so quick, I think my glass has a leak” extra point for that which makes it 89 edit 8-30-24

Tequila Fanatic
15 ratings
  • 93 Rating

Notes of agave and citrus for me with a very smooth and clean finish. Perfect flavors for anyone getting into sipping tequila (Additive Free of course) or mixing into a cocktail. Budget friendly at around $30 for a 1L!

Tequila Connoisseur
72 ratings
  • 93 Rating

Lots of agave on the nose, sweet citrus, pineapple. Flavorful punch of agave , pepper, citrus and light pineapple. Incredible value especially considering it’s a liter. This is a nice sipper and excellent in cocktails.

Tequila Warrior
43 ratings
  • 90 Rating

The quality to price ratio is off the charts.