Premium Brand Partners

Puro Potro

Jalisco (Ciénega)
Nom 1514

Recent Ratings

See how Puro Potro ranks in our community.

Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Great price for this brand

Frankie Medina
Tequila Boss
523 ratings

Quite possibly the king of the budget friendly blancos. Under 30 bucks for a liter? Worthy sipper! Fine mixer goes without saying!

Marissa P (@tequilaencyclopedia)
Tequila Phenom
387 ratings

Notes of pineapple and citrus, balanced out by agave and pepper. An incredible value in a liter bottle. From the team behind Cabal

Nathan Bennett
Tequila Wizard
608 ratings

chuck u farley
Tequila Savant
230 ratings

Greg Bartolotta @aged_agave
Tequila Boss
531 ratings

Liter bottle of sweet cooked agave, citrus, white pepper all under $30. What else do you want

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1504 ratings

Jon Novak
Tequila Phenom
370 ratings

Nice nose full of agave, easy going palate with some pepper on the finish and a very slight bitterness. For the price, this is worth picking up. Punches well above the class