Bottle of Teremana Tequila Blanco

Teremana Tequila Blanco

Type: Tequila
Brand: Teremana
1413 Ratings See All

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Production Details
NOM : 1613 ,
Agave Type : Tequilana Weber ,
Agave Region : Jalisco (Los Altos) ,
Region : Jalisco (Los Altos Southern) ,
Cooking : Stone/Brick Ovens ,
Extraction : Roller Mill ,
Water Source : Deep well water ,
Fermentation : Stainless steel tanks, 100% agave, Open-air fermentation, Fermentation without fibers ,
Distillation : 2x distilled ,
Still : Copper Pot ,
Aging : - ,
ABV/Proof : 40% abv (80-proof)
Other : -


Aromas & Flavors Detected By Our Community

Aromas Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)
Agave (raw)
White Pepper

Flavors Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)
Agave (raw)


Personal Scores & Reviews From Our Community

Tequila Phenom
303 ratings
  • 74 Rating

Aroma of cooked agave and citrus. Flavor of cooked agave, black pepper and citrus. Pleasant medium finish.

Tequila Savant
277 ratings
  • 75 Rating

From memory: there is distinct agave with citrus tones, slight spiciness but the better tasting of the entire line.

Tequila Wizard
966 ratings
  • 64 Rating

Aroma: Raw agave all around, has the minimal base for a tequila: black pepper, some citrus and alcohol/defects aromas. Flavor: Too many defects at mid palate and finish stages (Acetone,solvents, medicinal) Things to question/improve… using mature agave?, fermentation process and more attention to detail during the cuts at the distillation process. (Defects are very noticeable)

Tequila Badass
488 ratings
  • 68 Rating

Can you smell what the Rock is juicing?! Aroma is bad with unripe agave funk. Taste is good and does not match the aroma. Smooth and sweet with some vanilla and light citrus. Finish is not good with some of those bad aromas.

Tequila Ninja
144 ratings
  • 70 Rating

On the nose, I get ethanol first, agave is definitely there, but it’s a little sharper than I like. A hint of citrus, but not much else going on. On the palate, definitely getting the cooked agave but again, it’s sharp and heavily accompanied by the ethanol. A little bit of a bitter note, maybe some citrus but that funky sharp/bitter bite gets in the way. I’d skip this. At $25-27, you’re in Altos/Arette territory and only a couple bucks away from Tapatio, which blows this out of the water. It definitely tastes like a tequila for sure, and it doesn’t taste like diffused crap, but it’s overall a disappointment. I remember the reposado being better, and I’d be willing to try the añejo, but the blanco is a no-go for me. Gonna batch some margs and call it a day.

Tequila Ninja
165 ratings
  • 76 Rating

Nose: floral with a touch of chlorine. Crisp vegetal and freshly cut agave, the nose opens up more revealing a mid entry ripe fruit note and an earthy undertone. I want to really dig but there is that top note of soap/chlorine. Really light in the palate with a creamy texture, it hits with miel de agave before leading to a warm spicy finish and then ending with the classic dusted dirt road that I adore . While the cleaner elements on the nose are a pit suspect, I really enjoy drinking this blanco and would definitely recommend it to all my tequila friends to taste because it’s not what you expect it to be.

Tequila Savant
206 ratings
  • 90 Rating

Bright nose with good agave up front.

Tequila Phenom
376 ratings
  • 64 Rating

nope. not enjoyable

Tequila Boss
521 ratings
  • 84 Rating

Smells legit, fresh roasted agave fills my nose, a little bit of brine in the background. Hot as soon as it hits your tongue, this is not sweetened or infused with anything to make it taste like something it’s not. Aside from capers, I can’t taste anything outside of the usual agave & pepper notes that exist in old school tequila. I love when anything knows when to take a bow and leave, this diminishes quite quickly and leaves me reaching for my next sip. Overall a great effort, a little too boozy for my to crush straight up, I am looking forward to trying with an ice cube or two (I’m getting soft as the years advance).

Tequila Honey Badger
1021 ratings
  • 65 Rating

Nose: cinnamon, some cooked agave, and vanilla Flavor: all I get is some fake sweetness Finish: is pepper and ends with a lot of bitterness

Tequila Savant
286 ratings
  • 61 Rating

One of my top 5 worst tasting brands. Sorry, not sorry. I love the Rock. But his tequila sucks.

Tequila Wizard
990 ratings
  • 70 Rating

Aromas of cinnamon and agave. Flavor weighs in with artificially sweetened vanilla frosting, dusted with cinnamon. Finish has some bitterness. A slight medicinal note.

Tequila Ninja
142 ratings
  • 75 Rating

Botella BQ8240 @ 40 grados (Comprado en Estados Unidos) Aroma metálico y en donde se limita la presencia de aromas de agave. destacan notas de canela y especias como anís estrella o pimienta gorda. En gusto destaca algo de mineralidad, con buena sensación de pimienta en el centro de la lengua que después se recorre a la punta de la lengua. al final resalta un dulzor poco natural para un tequila. Un tequila suave y sin carácter, para un público muy bien identificado. Muy buen trabajo del equipo de marketing.

Tequila Phenom
341 ratings
  • 75 Rating

It's not a bad tequila bit is not overly complex. Sweet with a little pepper but I find it hard to discern other flavors. For the price though would be fine for cocktails.

Tequila Boss
552 ratings
  • 82 Rating

Cinammon, black pepper and light agave nose, but no finish. Perhaps an easy choice for new tequila drinkers.

Tequila Honey Badger
1056 ratings
  • 76 Rating

The aroma has a nice agave and cinnamon component that I like. But the flavor is too sweet and simple for me. Not a bad product, but I wish they would lighten up on the sweetness, perhaps some more complexity might come forward.

Tequila Phenom
350 ratings
  • 56 Rating

Sorry but I had to sit it out !

Tequila Ninja
193 ratings
  • 76 Rating

Nice tequila. Nose is okay with a little sweetness. Taste is solid, lots of citrus and minerality with a hint of licorice. Brings a little kick. Finish is mild without much linger. Probably not a sipper for me but a mixer for sure. Look forward to trying the repo.

Tequila Boss
531 ratings
  • 73 Rating

Wanted to like this, after hearing mixed reviews, I have to say not a great first taste and the finish was disappointing. Wouldn’t be my first choice or even my 10th choice when ordering a blanco. Priced fairly.

Tequila Badass
452 ratings
  • 71 Rating

overly vanilla in an unnatural way. soapy. stay away

Tequila Wizard
618 ratings
  • 79 Rating

The nose shows a lot of alcohol, some sweetness and vanilla creaminess, some citrus and earthiness, and just a touch of butter. The nose is better than the taste. On taste definite alcohol swirling around, vegetal, some sweetness and light citrus. This is not even worth $30, as there are so many better tequilas as you can buy in this price range. Very disappointed in the Rock's hype, and IMO, just more crap on the market.

Tequila Ninja
123 ratings
  • 74 Rating

Not particularly bad tasting as much as just doesn’t taste like much. Citrus and agave notes, $29 per liter it’s very on par with casamigos (2016) and Avion but at a lower price point

Tequila Badass
480 ratings
  • 77 Rating

The bottle says 100% agave gluten free distilled in handmade copper pot stills. Bottle C 686F. Aroma: raw and cooked agave, little smoke, lime, espárragos, vegetal, white pepper, citrus, banana, chamomile, green uncooked brócoli. Palate: citrus, lemongrass, green banana, grapefruit, mango, raw agave, ginger, lime, espárrago, little heat, white pepper. Finish; peppery, vegetal, raw agave, banana, ginger, lime, medium finish.

Tequila Honey Badger
1454 ratings
  • 79 Rating

Clean and earthy was my initial take. The product has it's own NOM but is made at a distillery that has 4 other NOMs co located at the same physical location. I don't taste additives or any diffuser artifacts but cannot assume the brand will stay true to that. I've published some thoughts in Agave Collectors group on Facebook for which I am moderator and it would be redundant to repost here.

Tequila Ninja
161 ratings
  • 77 Rating

This is a celebrity tequila from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. I know he spent a lot of time with this endeavor so props to him for that. What we know is that they use los altos agaves and distilled in Jesus Maria. The label states that it is cooked in hornos and distilled in copper pots, but that’s all we know. There is some nutritional information that is true to most tequilas. The nose is strong (like The Rock) and had raw agave, white and black pepper, citrus, alcohol, green vegetables such as raw broccoli, minerals, slight smoke and mint. The taste was not what i expected based on the smell - not necessarily in a bad way. It coated the mouth very nicely and was vegetal (green/uncooked), spicy, peppery (black) and had a sweet corn taste. It was a little hot. There is something in there that is just slightly “off” and i can’t put my finger on it. Maybe something in the fermentation process. The yeast seems unnatural or something. Just my first impression. For the price ($27 while visiting in Massachusetts), it’s a good buy. Not sure if it would be a midweek sipper like a Fortaleza or Ocho, but we finished the bottle nonetheless.

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