Bottle of Nosotros Tequila Blanco

Nosotros Tequila Blanco

Type: Tequila
164 Ratings See All
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Retail Partner Sip Tequila

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Production Details
NOM : 1438 ,
Agave Type : Tequilana Weber ,
Agave Region : Jalisco (Tequila Valley), Jalisco (Los Altos) ,
Region : Jalisco (Los Valles) ,
Cooking : Stone/Brick Ovens ,
Extraction : Roller Mill ,
Water Source : Natural spring water ,
Fermentation : Stainless steel tanks, 100% agave, Fermentation without fibers ,
Distillation : 2x distilled ,
Still : Stainless Steel Pot ,
Aging : - ,
ABV/Proof : 40% abv (80-proof)
Other : Kosher


Aromas & Flavors Detected By Our Community

Aromas Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)
Grass (wet)
Bell Pepper

Flavors Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)
Grass (wet)
Bell Pepper


Personal Scores & Reviews From Our Community

Tequila Badass
488 ratings
  • 81 Rating

Ok to good all around. Aroma has some underripe agave funk. Taste is good and clean but simple. Finish brings back a little aroma funk but has some good heat and a hint of grapefruit rind.

Tequila Wizard
966 ratings
  • 80 Rating

A mixer tequila brand, (de batalla) & cheap at $30 Basic profile, nothing that will amaze you besides the price. Not sure if I’ll buy to sip, but it’s a good choice for a party… Quick hints of cooked agave (fade away quickly). Lots of pepper, petrichor (wet desert earth), grass, citrus, herbal (mint) Finish is medium-long, somewhat velvety and bitter (debating a small defect, but barely noticeable)

Tequila Ninja
126 ratings
  • 81 Rating

Sweet agave and some wet grass on the nose. Opens with some pepper, slightly thin mouth feels. Some good heat that sits on the tongue, a good linger.

Tequila Honey Badger
1447 ratings
  • 85 Rating

I like this. Interesting story behind this brand if you care to look for it. Agave and some pepper along with a natural taste and mouth feel. Reposado is better but not in the app.

Tequila Connoisseur
62 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Aroma: notes of agave, pepper, Taste: notes of agave, pepper, caramel Finish: smooth

Tequila Guru
89 ratings
  • 56 Rating

The cake batter/bubblegum note is too distracting from the agave

Tequila Fanatic
18 ratings
  • 82 Rating

Smell: Less citrus than patron. Flavor: slight salty. Agave. Not too hot.

Tequila Badass
458 ratings
  • 82 Rating

Mild aroma. Lots of spice and mineral flavors. Smooth finish with just a hint of smoke.

Tequila Ninja
143 ratings
  • 82 Rating

I tried to give it a better score because I think somehow 82 seems low. It wasn’t bad , it was good and avg finish at worst. A little too sweet for any expression especially a blanco but aren’t they mostly like that. However, it’s still an 82

Tequila Ninja
183 ratings
  • 74 Rating

$40 US Costa Rica

Tequila Ninja
185 ratings
  • 84 Rating

$ 45 US in Costa Rica

Tequila Fan
3 ratings
  • 96 Rating

Cooked agave forward on the nose. Very happy with the floral notes on the tongue, followed by cooked agave finish.

Tequila Maniac
38 ratings
  • 80 Rating

Tried at Elijah’s.

Tequila Ninja
101 ratings
  • 80 Rating

Nose alcohol citrus spice Taste citrus anise/mint vegetal spice with hot peppery finish

Tequila Fan
1 ratings
  • 97 Rating


Tequila Aficionado
56 ratings
  • 82 Rating

Had at a sampling at The Outsider. Nice standard tequila at a good price point

Tequila Savant
235 ratings
  • 73 Rating

Or much aroma, but I am recovering from a bad cold. Tastes hot and peppery.

Tequila Ninja
128 ratings
  • 79 Rating

Scent is a touch mediciny but the taste is solid and the finish is smooth. I would drink again.

Tequila Guru
75 ratings
  • 80 Rating

Peppery but still pretty smooth

Tequila Savant
263 ratings
  • 84 Rating

Very good Blanco, the flavor cough me off guard, very veggie like flavors. Feel like I had my serving of veggies for the day.

Tequila Fan
3 ratings
  • 91 Rating

Very clean, I use this in my mixed drinks and it comes through very earthy with a smooth clean finish.

Tequila Phenom
346 ratings
  • 81 Rating

Vegetal, grassy with citrus and mint. good mix of taste and aromas.

Tequila Maniac
35 ratings
  • 89 Rating

Aroma was basic, could only pick up a sweet agave. Taste however had agave , citrus peel, and very oily mouthfeel and then smooth down the hatch. Very good blanco. I liked it. Also good in cocktails.

Tequila Fanatic
18 ratings
  • 82 Rating

Ever heard of the word petrichor? It's used to describe that peculiar aroma that comes from the earth right after it rains after a period of warmth. Even if you didn't know the word that would be the scent this Tequila would remind you the most of. Not quite earthy, not quite wet grass it falls in between those two categories delightfully mixing with the cooked agave center. Black pepper also makes a distinct appearance but it somehow feels understated when compared to the other smells present. This is by far the most tame black pepper I've smelled from a Blanco yet it doesn't feel weak or watered down. Just less in your face. The palate opens up with a wonderful mix of orange peel and cooked agave without either feeling overwhelming. Everything is in a nice balance which segways into the herby, earthy midpalate with style. I should mention here that this is a mix of lowland a and highland agave so the transition from fruitiness to herbal earthiness is to be expected. There's a hint of creamy fruit in the midpalate as well but it's not well defined, it's there more as a coy expression of the agave than a fully realized taste. I've seen a few online reviews mention a hint of mint as well and that seems partly true but I'd describe it as closer to a herbal effervescence than a true mint flavor. Meanwhile the back palate has a rather potent lingering burst of earthiness complemented perfectly by a spicy white pepper kick. An eloquent finish brings this Tequila to a very nice conclusion. I'm reminded of rich soil freshly watered. Tons of complexity for any introspective sipper to tease out though I'll be honest I don't quite know how to describe the various micro-expressions of the finish. What I can say is that the white pepper from the back palate melds perfectly with the earthy finish and there is minimal burn here. This is a fairly sophisticated Tequila offering with lots of character and understated complexity. To me, this is a perfect Blanco for mixing in a highly sophisticated cocktail while still being able to stand up as a sipper worth your time.

Tequila Guru
96 ratings
  • 84 Rating

Cooked Agave with a slight citrus and vegetal aroma. There is a slight alcohol aroma but not overpowering. Sweetness on the taste and grassy almost minty taste. Slight taste of plastic which coats the mouth. Oily but also creamy. Finish of black pepper, red pepper, slight alcohol leaving a numbing on side of mouth. Medium finish and I get slight bitterness or grassiness.

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Jul 08, 2020

Nosotros Tequila and p3rceive Team Up to Support Rapid Expansion

Nosotros Tequila has partnered with p3rceive, a Chicago based financial software company, to support its rapid expansion.