Bottle of Tequila Tromba Reposado

Tequila Tromba Reposado

Type: Tequila
351 Ratings See All

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Production Details
NOM : 1547 ,
(Previously: 1499, 1107 )
Agave Type : Tequilana Weber ,
Agave Region : - ,
Region : Jalisco (Ciénega) ,
Cooking : Stone/Brick Ovens ,
Extraction : Roller Mill ,
Water Source : - ,
Fermentation : Stainless steel tanks, 100% agave ,
Distillation : 2x distilled ,
Still : Copper Pot ,
Aging : - ,
ABV/Proof : 40% abv (80-proof)
Other : -


Aromas & Flavors Detected By Our Community

Aromas Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)
Agave (raw)

Flavors Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)


Personal Scores & Reviews From Our Community

Tequila Boss
522 ratings
  • 90 Rating

Aromas include caramel, citrus, butterscotch. Flavor profile is smooth, with a bit of salinity. Nice finish, no surprises.

Tequila Phenom
380 ratings
  • 82 Rating

NOM 1107 | Custard,

Tequila Honey Badger
1447 ratings
  • 82 Rating

NOM 1499 | Better than the Loma Azul. Cleaner in the mouth and not manipulated for mouth feel.

Tequila Savant
225 ratings
  • 84 Rating

still sweet on the nose but more balanced with less apple/banana/cantaloupe and more barrel oak and pepper. solid taste. slight age muted some of the syrup found in the blanco with even pepper, vanilla, mint and fruit. easy finish, but not quick. sweetness lasts a while. Toloache 50 nyc $13

Tequila Honey Badger
1504 ratings
  • 85 Rating

NOM 1107 | TMM Reposado Blind Tasting

Tequila Boss
521 ratings
  • 91 Rating

NOM 1107 | Loads of agave in the nose and pallet, this is surprisingly gentle, a bit of baking spice and a soft finish that ends at the perfect time. Dangerously good!!

Tequila Badass
494 ratings
  • 87 Rating

drank at Jack's BBQ bar on a Sunday night date night ... July 7th, 2019, a few weeks before Jess moved to AZ

Tequila Honey Badger
1447 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Tasted blind. Aroma is grass and some oak. This is very quiet on entry, but not sauve per se, as it builds quite nicely to a pepper and roast agave finish. Some smoke adds to the experience. Creamy on the finish with some mid tongue buzz from the alcohol.

Tequila Wizard
990 ratings
  • 81 Rating

NOM 1107 | Nose: Carmel and vanilla, followed up with citrus, pitted fruit and some flinty notes. Flavor: Semi oily coating my tongue with butterscotch richness, black pepper, cloves and agave. Nice lingering pepper, with a borderline sweet finish.

Tequila Badass
442 ratings
  • 75 Rating

NOM 1499 | NOM 1499, Batch 061 Aroma is fairly discreet with some fresh agave, cut grass and a bit of alcohol. Mouthfeel is fairly heavy. Flavor has brief sweetness that is quickly overpowered by peppermint spice and fades with bitter almond. The finish is very quick. This is a bland, nondescript repo. There is absolutely nothing really wrong with this but also nothing really right. 03-02-2018

Tequila Ninja
193 ratings
  • 77 Rating

Nice flavours decent price

Tequila Badass
460 ratings
  • 82 Rating

NOM 1547 | Sweet aroma. Slight smoke and earthiness with a spicy finish.

Tequila Maniac
30 ratings
  • 83 Rating

NOM 1499 | Nose: Grain forward. Distinct butterscotch and oak. Wet grass, wet leaves, mossy. Slight spice with hints of banana. Not my favorite nose- and that’s being kind. An unfortunate comparison to a Cuervo product. It’s missing the rich, cooked agave aroma and has minor presence of acetone. Flavor: Fortunately, the flavor does not match the nose. The agave shines through with sweet, butterscotch and vanilla notes. Nice bit of oak and banana. Good viscosity with a quick finish. I purchased this bottle in Puerto Vallarta primarily because it’s not a bottle that I can find here in the States. The nose does hurt its overall score quite a bit. I wish the nose matched the palette a bit closer. The barrel notes are prettt light for a repo. Reminds me a bit of Pasote. There are expressions from other labels I enjoy more, however, at 35% abv it’s a really clean, sweet, easy drinking spirit.

Tequila Enthusiast
7 ratings
  • 68 Rating

Notes of vanilla but not intense

Tequila Guru
75 ratings
  • 81 Rating

vanilla, caramel, agave aroma. pepper, oak, caramel flavors.

Tequila Connoisseur
61 ratings
  • 85 Rating

Vanilla, agave, sweet

Tequila Warrior
47 ratings
  • 76 Rating

Aged for 6-8 months in Jack Daniel’s barrels. Strong vanilla notes on the nose. Easy to drink, vanilla and citrus forward

Tequila Enthusiast
6 ratings
  • 86 Rating

NOM 1547 | Caramel, toffee

Tequila Guru
99 ratings
  • 82 Rating

Great nose: ripe melon, vanilla, butter. Flavour doesn't quite measure up to its nose but certainly palatable; has similar characteristics but less intense. NOM 1547

Tequila Guru
94 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Stole this for $28 as an Ohio closeout. aroma of cocoa, pepper and lots of agave. cooked agave flavor with super clean finish. Excellent value pick

Tequila Enthusiast
7 ratings
  • 83 Rating

Woody, peppery smell. Agave sweet

Tequila Aficionado
53 ratings
  • 85 Rating

This one is good. Nice smell. Smooth taste on pallet. Quite harsh after taste and left with pallet feeling like a stronger whiskey.

Tequila Warrior
43 ratings
  • 83 Rating

Tried at Disney World

Tequila Lover
14 ratings
  • 83 Rating

Strong agave and terroir flavor Smooth finish

Tequila Maniac
32 ratings
  • 86 Rating

I like the heavy feel to it. good all around. one of my favorites

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