Bottle of Exotico Reposado

Exotico Reposado

Type: Tequila
Brand: Exotico
155 Ratings See All

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Production Details
NOM : 1603 ,
(Previously: 1143 )
Agave Type : Tequilana Weber ,
Agave Region : - ,
Region : Jalisco (Los Altos Southern) ,
Cooking : - ,
Extraction : - ,
Water Source : - ,
Fermentation : 100% agave ,
Distillation : 2x distilled ,
Still : - ,
Aging : - ,
ABV/Proof : 40% abv (80-proof)
Other : -


Aromas & Flavors Detected By Our Community

Aromas Detected

Pepper (black)
Agave (cooked)
Pine Tree
Orange Peel

Flavors Detected

Pepper (black)
Agave (cooked)
Wood Bark


Personal Scores & Reviews From Our Community

Tequila Honey Badger
1457 ratings
  • 78 Rating

$13.99 SF Gold medal winner in 2016. Has an odd element to it that I can't quite place. Caramel? Maybe but the color in the clear glass bottle says no to my eye. Slightly bitter oak and the odd notes hold this back. Great for a Bloody Maria which I use it for regularly.

Tequila Fan
3 ratings
  • 83 Rating

NOM 1603 | Does well in Texas Branch Water.

Tequila Maniac
31 ratings
  • 79 Rating

NOM 1603 | This was a very decent purchase from a Fry’s Grocery (Kroger) in Casa Grande, AZ. Is it great? Not close BUT it is very drinkable for $17.99. Nice aroma, taste and finish. I’d buy it again given the limited options in town.

Tequila Phenom
397 ratings
  • 74 Rating

NOM 1143 | Nom 1143 Certainly a “value” tequila. A watery mouthfeel consisting of pepper and alcohol. There is some chest burn during the finish. Perhaps a mixer in a strong flavored fruity or sugary concoction.

Tequila Warrior
47 ratings
  • 88 Rating

NOM 1603 | Sweet taste, with hints of spices, soft on the palate and goes down extremely smooth. Probably one of the better least expensive tequilas I’ve had in a while.

Tequila Fan
1 ratings
  • 85 Rating

NOM 1603 | My favorite value reposado. Great for traditional ranch waters.

Tequila Enthusiast
9 ratings
  • 77 Rating

NOM 1603 | Heavy pepper

Tequila Maniac
31 ratings
  • 79 Rating

wow pleasantly surprised. read about this tequila online so decided to try it and think it's gonna be my go to

Tequila Phenom
328 ratings
  • 75 Rating

Another budget tequila winner. Similar to the blanco, but with added layers of carmel and cinnamon. A nice repo, sweet, peppery, with some smoke. Not thrilled with the finish, but as a mixer it's fine.

Tequila Freak
21 ratings
  • 73 Rating

NOM 1603 | Decent to use with margarita mix.

Tequila Ninja
124 ratings
  • 79 Rating

I was very surprised by this. Picked up for $14.99 and it was decent stuff. A definite yes for anyone on a budget!

Tequila Fanatic
17 ratings
  • 69 Rating


Tequila Fanatic
18 ratings
  • 74 Rating

NOM 1143 | Vanilla taste with a shockingly smooth finish but not much depth. Great price point, happy to buy again when the budget is tight.

Tequila Lover
10 ratings
  • 81 Rating

NOM 1603 | This is a high rating for the price. It’s very drinkable for $15 and will be fine for margaritas.

Tequila Enthusiast
5 ratings
  • 79 Rating

What a great value. Surprised.

Tequila Lover
14 ratings
  • 58 Rating

NOM 1143 | Life’s too short to drink bad tequila thank you hombre

Tequila Fan
4 ratings
  • 55 Rating

it didnt help I drank this after cantera negra. but it just isnt the drink for me

Tequila Connoisseur
60 ratings
  • 85 Rating

NOM 1143 | I do not get the negative reviews of this tequila at all. It is in my top 3 of best bang for the buck of all time right next to Espolon ($23) and Mi Campo around the same. This stuff is available at Walmart's liquor stores and comes in at $15.96 after tax. Its main downfall is being one dimensional. But the one area (chocolate/caramel) is done well. There is no shortage of 40+ dollar bottles of tequila that I like. To find one this drinkable at 16 is a miracle.

Tequila Ninja
177 ratings
  • 76 Rating

Let’s review, ....15 dollars, metal screw on lid and a bottle by most means is pretty plain! The cover of this book needs an upgrade because what’s inside is very drinkable. Caught me by surprise. Yes there is a very slight weird finish (aftertaste) not sure what it is but it’s almost undetectable. If your mixing you would not notice. Worth a try for the price.

Tequila Ninja
181 ratings
  • 54 Rating

Very unusual plain taste with cinnamon, but after taste is funky, and not in a Soul Train way. Bitter followed by chalk. We wondered how this won a gold metal. This might have won a gold metal for woof woof.

Tequila Savant
253 ratings
  • 65 Rating

Not something I would sip but mix it’s fine. At 13.99 can’t go wrong

Tequila Maniac
33 ratings
  • 81 Rating

Really liking this one so far, very smooth and clean favor to me, not complex but has an honest flavor that is not overwhelmed by oak, or whiskey and it has a smooth medium finish that works well neat or in a margarita! I look for a combination of great flavor and great value and this one delivers both! Not as complex as the best but very good value tequila. This reposado is an outstanding value at $16. A liter!

Tequila Ninja
124 ratings
  • 63 Rating

sweet, bitter, unpleasant aftertaste

Tequila Fan
3 ratings
  • 76 Rating

peppery, smokey, just slightly sweet

Tequila Lover
14 ratings
  • 76 Rating

Good for a mixer. Too harsh and peppery for on the rocks and definitely not sipping. Used it in a margarita with jalapeño slices. The pepper finish went well with the spicy and sweet combo