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Alma del Jaguar

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1414

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Calificaciones y reseñas de nuestra comunidad

Carl Evans
Tequila Phenom
340 calificaciones

Love this. Lots of minerality, oily citrus pepper mint and a little smoke. Great overproof for the price.

Antwane Nelson
Tequila Phenom
303 calificaciones

Antwane Nelson
Tequila Phenom
303 calificaciones

Greg Bartolotta @aged_agave
Tequila Boss
531 calificaciones

Very nice Anejo, sweet cooked agave, spice, vanilla, caramel and light butterscotch, a. Good price point also

Jason Genco
Tequila Guru
77 calificaciones

This is an absolutely amazing anejo. Love the influence that the French oak plays on this one. The agave is still front and center with great barrel notes. Nose: cooked agave, caramel, vanilla, butterscotch, oak, baking spice, and maple. Palate: cooked agave, caramel, butterscotch, chocolate, oak, maple, and nutmeg. A very nice buttery mouth feel with a medium finish. Absolutely love this anejo.

John Mehrkens (@jmehrk35)
Tequila Badass
443 calificaciones

• Visual: Clear w/ very thin clear edge • Initial Nasal Impact: Slightly warming • Aroma: Lime citrus, cooked agave, floral, pepper, wintergreen mint, vanilla. Light aroma • Mouthfeel: Oily w/ sufficient alcohol • Flavor: Pepper, lime, honey, wintergreen mint, vanilla, cinnamon, cucumber • Finish: Mint hits on the retro nasal along with pepper and cucumber during long finish. A very drinkable HP blanco

Alex Bette
Tequila Ninja
187 calificaciones

Edward Lopez
Tequila Phenom
369 calificaciones

Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 calificaciones

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