Socios de marca premium

Villa Lobos

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1139

Recent Ratings

Calificaciones y reseñas de nuestra comunidad

Anthony Freda
Tequila Ninja
191 calificaciones

Nice nose, agave full, sweet & peppery, minerality, very nice, pallet falls short though with agave in front but then some chemical/ethanol notes in middle/finish, decent sipper, nothing crazy but goodX worth buying in $60 range

Anthony Freda
Tequila Ninja
191 calificaciones

Wierd plastic/chemical note on mu sample, maybe a bad bottle as other scores/motes dont match up, all in all i can taste what “could” be a good tequila but plastic/petroleum flavor dominate it

Jon Novak
Tequila Phenom
370 calificaciones

Sweetness on the nose. Palate has a bit of bitterness to it

Mike (Great Lakes Tequila Club)
Tequila Boss
589 calificaciones

Ryan August
Tequila Ninja
144 calificaciones

Nose: Vanilla bomb. Clear soft vanilla, the dominant note. Cooked agave in the back, but then the vanilla and fruity notes come in. Some oak. The vanilla is shockingly abundant though, so sweet and inviting. Palate: Very soft agave and vanilla intermingled, oak, fruit. Maybe a slightly overripe banana note, almost notes like a rum. Sweet, oily, a touch of brininess. This is not the typical 1139 flavor profile I am accustomed to, but it is very nice.

Mike (Great Lakes Tequila Club)
Tequila Boss
589 calificaciones

Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 calificaciones

Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 calificaciones

Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 calificaciones

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Keep up with what's happening with Villa Lobos

The Drinks Business
Dec 02, 2016

Tequila & mezcal… what's happening?

Wine & Spirit International’s Dale Sklar looks at the mounting crisis for the Tequila industry as a chronic shortage of Blue Agave plants – which are used to make the spirit – cause huge price increases.