
Jalisco (Ciénega)
Nom 1514

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Chiharu Ono
Tequila Savant
257 ratings

Marcos Liang
Tequila Honey Badger
1181 ratings

Lote: LTDER090717, marbete is from year 2014. Color: yellow to dark yellow. Aroma: light sweet cooked agave, slightly earthy, orange peel, light stone fruit sweetness, light vanilla, aromatic wood note. Good sweet sour & citrus balance. Palate: confirms aromas perceived, ends slightly earthy. Finish is medium to medium long, light sweet cooked agave with orange and earthy notes persist.

Eduardo Castrejon
Tequila Warrior
42 ratings

Charles Wimberly
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

Louis Hoxter
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

Mark Dawson
Tequila Freak
27 ratings

Cheryl Klein
Tequila Enthusiast
6 ratings

Just a little flat & bland. Easy to drink but nothing really pops.

Felipe Ornelas
Tequila Maniac
34 ratings

Found this to be very pleasant

Koji Esashi
Tequila Fanatic
16 ratings
