Reserva de Mexico

Nom 1519

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See how Reserva de Mexico ranks in our community.

Don Heiser
Tequila Honey Badger
1020 ratings

Carlos Blanco
Tequila Savant
229 ratings

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1504 ratings

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1504 ratings

Gregg Time and Tequila
Tequila Ninja
126 ratings

Light nose that opens up a bit, fresh agave and slight vanilla... almost want to call it sugar cookie. Body is a little thin, get a small hit of pepper, followed by cooked agave and some leather tannins. Crisp finish, nice heat. Lingers in the back of the throat.

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1447 ratings

Steven Albrecht
Tequila Savant
245 ratings

Chris Ancell
Tequila Badass
442 ratings

The citrus aroma from the blanco carries through here along with a barrel notes of vanilla. A very sweet almost syrupy flavor opens and is followed by pepper and spice. The finish is disappointingly short. Again, the price make this a great value. The repo is a bit sweet for my taste but still a solid tequila. 7/25/2015

Chris Ancell
Tequila Badass
442 ratings

The aroma is sweet and filled with citrus (orange, lemon). Little or no agave present on the nose. Very oily (with long legs showing on the glass) texture starts with just a hint of the sweet citrus that moves quickly to a peppery spice. Medium finish with a nice warm glow. This comes from the same distillery as DeLeon but at a dramatically different price point - $13.99 from Hi-Time. At that price, this is a very good value. 7/25/2015