
Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1477
Additional Distilleries: 1414, 1466, 1560

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Kelly Pucci
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Asaf Cohen
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Tequila Tourist
Jun 02, 2013

Review #319 - Manana Tequila Anejo

Manana is another brand that I've been curious about for a while. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a sample of the anejo. If you read this blog on any sort of regular basis, you'll already know that I generally have an affinity for a juice comi

Tequila Whisperer
Jan 07, 2011

Mañana tequilas reviewed by the Tequila Whisperer

MANANA Tequila – blanco, reposado, anejo, (episode 63) tequila review