Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1480
Additional Distilleries: 1549

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Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1064 ratings

Jacob Skoff
Tequila Badass
480 ratings

A clay oven steaming tequila and fermenting & distilling with agave fibers. Aroma: vanilla, baked agave, mint, tropical fruits, green banana, and black pepper. Palate: creamy with a mild vanilla sweetness, baked agave, grapefruit, mentol, alcohol, and tropical fruit. Finish: vanilla with a hint of pepper and alcohol. Great for mixing Paloma’s but short of sipping for my liking.

Nathan Bennett
Tequila Boss
529 ratings

Nathan Bennett
Tequila Boss
529 ratings

Nathan Bennett
Tequila Boss
529 ratings

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1384 ratings

Nice viscosity with minimal sweetness, in fact a slight bitter element that leaves a tart and tangy fade to finish. This has more of a green agave vibe than a roast and caramelized taste. Edit to add that I left some of this blanco covered in a glass overnight and on sipping the next day got much more natural sweetness during the entry, tasting and finish. I'll leave the total rating as is though.

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Boss
507 ratings

I have nothing really positive or negative to say, it’s tequila that tastes like tequila should, case closed.

Matt Gresham
Tequila Guru
81 ratings

Cinnamon flavor with spice and sweet

Tommy Grules - Los Skeletone Blues Band
Tequila Ninja
196 ratings