Monte Alban

Jalisco (Central)
Nom 1143

Recent Ratings

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Adolfo Sosa
Tequila Phenom
312 ratings

Strong ethanol taste, weird finish. Definitely for mixing.

Carl Evans
Tequila Phenom
320 ratings

Had a funky taste and smell that I can't quite identify. Not completely awful but more of a mixer than a sipper.

Jacob Skoff
Tequila Badass
480 ratings

Vanilla forward with honey, cayenne and jalapeño pepper.

Doug Price
Tequila Badass
454 ratings

Chad C
Tequila Badass
476 ratings

Happy to be out #covid19blues. Ok. Terrible aroma with synthetic smell. Taste was way better though. A little sweet (maybe too/fake sweet) and not harsh as I was expecting. But I don’t taste anything good—just the absence of bad. Finish is nonexistent.

Rodrigo Sanchez
Tequila Badass
472 ratings

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1050 ratings

There is a strange chemical aroma of sulfur here.

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1050 ratings

Hillary Sowa
Tequila Fan
1 ratings