La Tarea

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1424

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Chad C
Tequila Badass
462 ratings

Aroma is ok to good. The taste has something burnt in the backend.

Robert Frost
Tequila Savant
268 ratings

Aroma has very slight agave. Flavor of cooked agave and black pepper spiciness. The spiciness stays for a long finish.

Pepe Galvez
Tequila Savant
285 ratings

Carlos Blanco
Tequila Ninja
188 ratings

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1377 ratings

Tastes OK for the price. Anymore I'm instantly suspicious of a liter for less than $30 as likelihood of diffuser base is high. It's cheaper to buy than produce yourself. Sorry, rant over.

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1377 ratings

22 dollars gets a 8 for value.

Juan Carlos Martin Roaro
Tequila Phenom
344 ratings

Tequila Ninja
191 ratings

So much alcohol on the nose. A little chemical on the tongue

Martino Armstrong
Tequila Ninja
165 ratings

Weird loamy sour aftertaste…can’t say more than that. Promising aroma..lacking finish