Nice aroma, mellow and easy. Tasty, peppery, sharp but not too pointy. Deep lasting finish. Clean and flavorful.
Amazing nose. Lots of agave and lime. Hmm a little bit of cake batter after a deep nosing, not my favorite, but still a winning aroma. Pepper and a cream soda style fizz flavor. Good chit. Quick and tasty finish. This is an easy sipper. Thanks for the sample Tequila Diva.
Nose: vanilla/ caramel/ butter / faint fruit note / hint of citrus-orange / tea / baking spice / nutmeg/ chocolate/ molasses/ Taste: oak / vanilla/ caramel/ baking spice / hint of fruit / orange peel / tea / hint of spearmint/ chocolate/ molasses/ cream soda Finish: low viscosity mouthfeel/ not much texture…doesn’t coat the palate/ lingering oak bitterness fights to be dominant; some sips are sweeter than others, but the imbalance and lingering bitterness really take the wheel on this drive. This anejo has some good notes on the nose and the sweetness of vanilla and caramel try to fight back, but the oak is the lead actor in this performance, and it’s not interested in sharing the stage with the other tastes.
Nose: vanilla/ caramel/ oak / butter/ hint of vegetal / light fruit / hints of melon and apple / baking spice-nutmeg / orange peel / tea / hay / butterscotch/ Taste: vanilla/ anise/ agave cooked/ oak / baking spice / nutmeg/ pepper/ banana/ melon / orange peel / tea / butterscotch/ molasses/ cream soda Finish: medium viscosity mouthfeel /evenly coats the palate coating and provides a lingering sweet, oak, and baking spice romp over your tongue, but the harsh french oak bitterness comes in at the end and screams ‘fire’ in the theatre full of otherwise balanced vanilla, agave sweetness. The french Oak notes are just too pronounced. This Repo has a lot of enjoyable flavors and tries to maintain the vanilla, agave, and baking spice sweetness despite having the 400 lbs gorilla named French Oak pushing those flavors out of the way. This repo may get easier to sip over time as the flavors work to find balance with the heavy French oak notes. This one needs to breathe a lot. If not for the bitter oakiness, this repo would be much more enjoyable.
Nose: vegetal / agave (raw) / hint of melon / dried fruit/ faint citrus / bell pepper/ hay / salt / Taste: agave / vanilla / earth / mineral/ vegetal/ hay/ apple / melon / orange peel / anise / light spearmint/ bell pepper/ salt / alcohol/ Finish: very light viscosity mouthfeel / lingering bittersweet and earth notes with a light agave/anise sweetness that gets overrun by the vegetal/earthy bitter through the backend of the final swallow. This blanco has some strong bitter notes that are not in balance with the sweeter agave/anise flavors. The overall taste is decent, but if the finish was less bitter and less earthy the overall experience would be more enjoyable.