
Jalisco (Ciénega)
Nom 1509

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Edward Lopez
Tequila Phenom
340 ratings

Adolfo Sosa
Tequila Phenom
312 ratings

Very thin but nice, surprising for a celebrity tequila and a nice bottle. It does have a bitter finish which takes away some points.

Pepe Galvez
Tequila Savant
285 ratings

Francisco Urteaga
Tequila Ninja
105 ratings

Lot 02/23 View: totally transparent. Tear adhesion more than acceptable for a 35º. Aroma: cooked agave, autoclave, citrus, pepper. Flavor: cooked agave, pepper, citrus. It tastes a little like an autoclave but without being too present. Entremanos is much more scandalous in that sense. A little pineapple. Well, nothing spectacular. As It opens, I feel It lacks character.

Kokos Kokou
Tequila Fanatic
19 ratings

Richard Rodriguez
Tequila Savant
208 ratings

José Santos
Tequila Fan
2 ratings

Jissay Paf
Tequila Maniac
35 ratings

elixir Spirits
Tequila Guru
85 ratings

Very aromatic, floral, grassy, touch fennel..whole garden.. mouthfeel is thin because low proof. flavor are pretty solid but finish falls off.