El Caudillo

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1463

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Nathan Bennett
Tequila Boss
594 ratings

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1419 ratings

A gift from a friend. Agave and spice on the nose lead to a spicy and hot reposado in the mouth though the finish is a little short and mostly alcohol giving a mid tongue buzz.

Mary Schanning
Tequila Aficionado
56 ratings

Smoky, agave, warm, earthy,

Craig S
Tequila Aficionado
59 ratings

Supper Club!!! A little hot on the nose. Starts a little medicinal. Gets better in back but a little hot into finish.

Nat Man
Tequila Ninja
135 ratings

Michael Noltemeyer
Tequila Badass
435 ratings

Nina Mino
Tequila Phenom
337 ratings