La Santa Aida Harfush Ron

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1414
Additional Distilleries: 1608

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See how La Santa Aida Harfush Ron ranks in our community.

Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
691 ratings

Lou Agave (Long Island Lou Tequila)
Tequila Wizard
616 ratings

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1504 ratings

Kelly Pucci
Tequila Wizard
839 ratings

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1140 ratings

Doug Price
Tequila Badass
456 ratings

I love Sergio and 1414 but this is not drinkable. Zero agave and a weird fruitiness. The website says additive free which can’t be accurate whatsoever. The bottle is cool with the light but for $130 this is a huge miss for 1414.

Greg Bartolotta @aged_agave
Tequila Boss
531 ratings

Gimmicky Cristalino, points for cool bottle and all with the gold flakes. At the end of the day it’s still a Cristalino.

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Tasted a tiny amount at a party which reminded me of pina colada cotton candy. Hard to tell the NOM 1414 fingerprint. Need to revisit for aroma/flavor notes

ChristineH Tequila.Diva IG / Tequila Sippers FB
Tequila Wizard
688 ratings

nose cocoa almond taste almond coconut caramel very sweet tastes like an almond joy candy bar