Additive-Free Alliance Brand

KOKORO Spirits

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1604

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Don Cervantes
Tequila Ninja
173 ratings

Roger Bravo
Tequila Savant
231 ratings

Fruity aroma with agave (cooked and raw), citrus, and anise. Enjoyable flavor profile that echoed the aromas.

Rodrigo Sanchez
Tequila Badass
471 ratings

ChristineH Tequila.Diva
Tequila Wizard
600 ratings

2/2024 agave, caramel, fruit, anise. easy sipper, sweet cooked agave. could score higher but price is a little high

ChristineH Tequila.Diva
Tequila Wizard
600 ratings

tried a small sample at LATF house 9/22 anise fruit citrus agave, some funk that made it unique. fun sipper. I enjoyed it.

Don Cervantes
Tequila Ninja
173 ratings

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1377 ratings

Tasted at MBTC 2023. The Final Event. I liked this better than the regular Plata. The infusion of agave makes this very simillar in profile to the Agave Azul Ocho Curado.

Seattle Juan
Tequila Honey Badger
1377 ratings

Tasted at MBTC 2023. The Final Event.

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1477 ratings