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Flecha Azul

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1110

Recent Ratings

See how Flecha Azul ranks in our community.

Tom Harrison
Tequila Savant
239 ratings

Mireille O
Tequila Ninja
170 ratings

Has a short finish

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1045 ratings

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1045 ratings

Carl Evans
Tequila Phenom
313 ratings

Thin with minimal depth of flavors

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Boss
507 ratings

A nice surprise, this is agave forward in the nose and follows through to taste. A bit thin on the back end for me but that’s my only critique, this is a well made and approachable Tequila

Edward Lopez
Tequila Phenom
340 ratings

Roger Bravo
Tequila Savant
231 ratings

Zach Apostoleris
Tequila Ninja
135 ratings