Villa One Tequila

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1472

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Frankie Medina
Tequila Boss
515 ratings

Just plain bad... I'll leave it at that.

Dom Diaz
Tequila Savant
279 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Scott Sampson
Tequila Savant
233 ratings

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Boss
521 ratings

Legit smells like maple syrup, as a Canadian I appreciate the effort, as a tequila lover, I shutter slightly. My mom used to buy caramel in a tin can for me to spread on my ice cream, this instantly takes me back to those days. This is going to have some commercial appeal, it’s exactly what novice tequila drinkers seem to be loving, I wish them great success.

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Boss
521 ratings

Smells like I just walked into a bakery, my mouth immediately started watering, smells like a fresh eclair. Turns out it also tastes like an eclair, crème anglaise, vanilla, butter, pastry, everything except agave.

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Boss
521 ratings

Nose is on point, roasted agave, not overpowering. I’m getting some kind of banana sugar thing going on, it’s too bad because it’s wrestling with the agave that’s fighting to get out. Finish profiles agave forward, disappears quite fast, it’s my favourite part. Modern style, I’m sure it will find its followers.

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1055 ratings

I can’t get anything on the nose here, aroma is lacking and disappointing. Flavor is similarly faint, with some slight vanilla cookie dough. Finish is underwhelming. In summary: this will disappoint a tequila aficionado, but newbies may appreciate the lack of aroma and flavor.

Scarlet Sanschagrin
Tequila Boss
552 ratings

Faint nose, fruity, floral aromas with light mouthfeel, slight soapy, maybe minty flavor.

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Keep up with what's happening with Villa One Tequila

Robb Report
Apr 13, 2021

The Problem With Celebrity-Backed Tequilas

Stars are following in the footsteps of George Clooney's hit with Casamigos, and the spirit may not be better for it.

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Every Celebrity Wants to Make a Tequila — Here’s Why

Is this a trend that’s driven purely by financial incentives, whether to cash in like Clooney and company, or to profit from America’s increasing appreciation of the spirit?

Long Island Lou Tequila
Jul 27, 2020

Villa One Silver - Nice For The Price

Lou does a video review of Villa One Tequila Silver.
Sep 25, 2019

Celebrity tequila vs small craft brands: an 'ultra premium' battle

Following the landmark success of George Clooney’s tequila brand Casamigos, a crop of celebrities have tried to mimic its popularity with their own labels in the US.