El Rayo Ha Vuelto

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1479

Recent Ratings

See how El Rayo Ha Vuelto ranks in our community.

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
966 ratings

Robert Palmer
Tequila Maniac
38 ratings

Michael West
Tequila Enthusiast
9 ratings

Michael West
Tequila Enthusiast
9 ratings

Sophie Missen
Tequila Fan
3 ratings

Mitch L
Tequila Lover
12 ratings

Steven Liversage
Tequila Warrior
43 ratings

A slightly medicinal nose but not the worst once it opens up. Bland taste, oak and a bit of agave but no subtleties. On the label it is recommended to mix.

Elliot Mann
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

Robert Moss
Tequila Lover
13 ratings