Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1122
Additional Distilleries: 1137, 1416

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Agave Love and Lore B
Tequila Wizard
670 ratings

Don Heiser
Tequila Honey Badger
1019 ratings

Don Heiser
Tequila Honey Badger
1019 ratings

Zach Apostoleris
Tequila Ninja
137 ratings

Robert Frost
Tequila Savant
298 ratings

This was on the back bar on our cruise. Aroma of cooked agave and not much else. Flavor is weak agave. Finish wasn't much, either.

Don Heiser
Tequila Honey Badger
1019 ratings

Not much there and too sweet for me

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1137 ratings

Average tequila from start to finish. would be a good mixer.

Marissa P (@tequilaencyclopedia)
Tequila Phenom
387 ratings

Kelly Pucci
Tequila Wizard
838 ratings

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May 03, 2020

This Cinco De Mayo Why Not Sample Some New Tequilas

Tasting notes on a range of tequilas relatively new to the U.S. market. These are all expressions produced from existing distilleries for third parties.

Feb 16, 2019

Tequila Brand Under Fire for Fake Celebrity Endorsements and Stolen Memes

Celebrities and comedians aren't laughing about Jaja, a tequila brand that lifted photos of celebrities to promote its brand without their consent.