Casa Bariachi

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1522
Additional Distilleries: 1445

Recent Ratings

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Carlos Olivo
Tequila Ninja
119 ratings

Carlos Olivo
Tequila Ninja
119 ratings

Agave and butterscotch and caramel. Barrel comes thru with a hint of pepper and vanilla.

Edward Lopez
Tequila Phenom
369 ratings

Mireille O
Tequila Ninja
187 ratings

Robert Frost
Tequila Phenom
301 ratings

House brand at Casa Bariachi restaurant in Guadalajara. Aroma has a touch of vanilla but not much agave. Flavor of black pepper and that vanilla.

Reinaldo Costales (el_boricua_tequilero)
Tequila Ninja
124 ratings

Aroma: citric and pepper Taste: alcohol And pepper

Richard Rodriguez
Tequila Savant
219 ratings

Rick Olivo
Tequila Savant
276 ratings

Alexander Spohn
Tequila Fan
3 ratings

very smooth with some sweetness and lightly earthy and smokey notes. I had the full experience of getting this via bottle service at the casa bariachi in Guadalajara.. it was so good I had to go back to get another to take home with me! Similar to "el tesoro" yet smoother and sweeter. Fantastic bottle for anyone's collection. Enjoyed mostly solo in a glass.