Beautiful aromas and flavors from this high proof from Chava. Loads of cooked agave from the higher proof with no burn at all. Nose: cooked agave, minerals, earth, mint, black pepper, and orange. Palate: cooked agave, minerals, earth, black pepper, brine, and citrus. Buttery and viscous mouth feel with a medium finish. Let this open up before diving in.
I love this bottle, as it checks every box for me. As prices have risen, especially on aged tequilas, I only deducted points on value, as this is at a higher price point. As for the liquid, nose and taste are all cooked agave, minerals, baking spices, namely cinnamon, a hint of honey and citrus. This is warm and inviting and an excellent sipper, especially in the cooler months. If you are fortunate to see this bottle, buy it. I found my most recent one at Liquor King while on business in Fort Worth.
Blind: Nice layered aroma with agave, floral, citrus, and herbal notes. The more time I spend the more comes across. Flavor has some herbal and pine to go along with agave. Nice long finish and tears. Knock for heavy price. 85 Revisited: Adding a few more points for flavor. 88
Agave nose. Tasty palate with some pepper and a lingering finish
Nose: agave cooked / vanilla/ earth / anise / pepper/ butter / banana/ apple / grapefruit/ tea / salt Taste: sweet agave cooked / vanilla/ anise / pepper / cinnamon/ minerals / banana/ apple / lime / orange peel/ mint / tea / cream soda Finish: very low viscosity mouthfeel / costs the tongue very well, but not much coating over the whole mouth / lingering sweet cooked agave, anise, pepper notes, cinnamon carry through in a very harmonious fashion until the very end. This blanco is fantastic. It has harmony and balance and offers a lot of flavor despite only being 40% abv. One of the best sipping blancos I’ve had in a while,
High-proof tequilas, once only for hardcore drinkers, are now being released at a steady pace. Why?
The team behind the Tequila Matchmaker have launched a “Verified Additive Free” program for tequila brands and distilleries. This is the first known independent, additive-free verification in the spirits world.
Instead of sampling tequila in its birthplace, I reached out to six of the top tequila experts in Mexico to unearth their favorites.
VinePair asked bartenders around the country which bottles and brands aren’t getting the love they deserve.
Some tequila producers are laying the groundwork for sustainability, but bartenders and conscientious consumers can fight the good fight, too.
What tequila producers choose to do now, in other words, will determine the spirit’s future. And we, the tequila-purchasing public, have to take our role more seriously to ensure its survival.
Patrón, and Lunazul join Siembra Valles with earthen pit-cooked tequilas.
For years we’ve been saying “process matters”, and that each choice made during the production process will find its way into the finished product. Now we have proof.
The truth behind “the coming tequila shortage”, and the real risks the industry faces.
Ash, firewood, earth, brine/olives. Finish is oily.