Tequila Rubio

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1567

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Mireille O
Tequila Ninja
170 ratings

Tastes like water mixed with a bit of caramel

Carlos Blanco
Tequila Ninja
188 ratings

Carlos Blanco
Tequila Ninja
188 ratings

Carlos Olivo
Tequila Ninja
116 ratings

Alcohol mixed with water and not any other distinguishing notes. May fare better to a side by side comparison to a diffuser tequila.

Carlos Olivo
Tequila Ninja
116 ratings

Alcohol, agave and sweetness. The flavor was neutral with very subtle agave and more a rind aftertaste. Fairly unremarkable but I might recommend for a beginner or cocktails.

Andreas C
Tequila Connoisseur
65 ratings

Andreas C
Tequila Connoisseur
65 ratings

Heavy banana notes on aroma and taste. Some light Agave