Oro De Lidia

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1531

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See how Oro De Lidia ranks in our community.

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1104 ratings

Dom Diaz
Tequila Savant
277 ratings

Frankie Medina
Tequila Boss
508 ratings

One of the better budget friendly XA's out there. NOM 1531 has/had some great budget friendly stuff for the most part. Better than San Matias IMHO, which I never liked.

Marissa P (@tequilaencyclopedia)
Tequila Phenom
385 ratings

Jose Baca
Tequila Ninja
113 ratings

Jose Baca
Tequila Ninja
113 ratings

Jose Baca
Tequila Ninja
113 ratings

Jose Baca
Tequila Ninja
113 ratings

Chris Ancell
Tequila Badass
439 ratings

Aroma is subtle but with quite a bit going on - wet stone, fresh cut grass with a bit of black pepper, floral and brine. The flavor has an immediate upfront peppery spice followed by a dry almond and floral note. The finish is medium-long. 02-16-2018