
Jalisco (Central)
Nom 1143

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Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
965 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
965 ratings

Jacob Skoff
Tequila Badass
480 ratings

Jacob Skoff
Tequila Badass
480 ratings

Kelly Phillips
Tequila Enthusiast
5 ratings

Jon Newlin
Tequila Lover
12 ratings

Truly gross stuff, but it got me through college. I guess there’s probably worse out there, since it seems to be a staple of (cheap) Mexican restaurant margaritas and tequila sunrises with this are typically semi drinkable. Only recommended if you absolutely need a handle for $20 for whatever reason.

alonzo urquidez
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

Ben Moore
Tequila Freak
27 ratings

For a mixto this cheap, you could do a lot worse. It’s a good choice if you need to make a lot of margaritas on a budget. Definitely a mixer.

Victoria Ashley
Tequila Phenom
306 ratings