Maestro Tequilero

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1122

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ChristineH Tequila.Diva
Tequila Boss
588 ratings

Maestro tequilero anejo NOM 1122 produced in 2014 Tasted at uncle Bobby's june 2024. Nose: sweet, congac, fruity, barrel spice, oak Palate: fruity, whiskey, caramel, orange, chocolate, sweet Finish: very dry, oak. a little too dry for me Note: this bottle had been open for several yrs with only a few ounces left so there may have some oxygenation. If I were to rate this based on drinkability, it's not bad. If i were to rate it based on agave profile, it's not there. I'ts much more like whiskey/bourbon. So if that's ur profile, u might like this

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
875 ratings

Notes - raw agave and cogollo Some citrus and pepper notes Boring profile and flat

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
875 ratings

Pepe Matz
Tequila Wizard
875 ratings

Edward Lopez
Tequila Phenom
337 ratings

Rodrigo Sanchez
Tequila Badass
471 ratings

Dan Pulido
Tequila Ninja
178 ratings

Dan Pulido
Tequila Ninja
178 ratings

Carlos Blanco
Tequila Ninja
188 ratings

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Keep up with what's happening with Maestro Tequilero
Jul 11, 2013

Premio Diosa Mayahuel a la Excelencia en Tequila 2013 Winners

Winners announced in the annual Mayahuel Awards, including first place winners Campo Azul, Besame Mucho, and Maestro Tequilero.