Sino S

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1533

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Chad C
Tequila Badass
462 ratings

Aroma is alcohol, lime and undertones of agave. Not much going on. Taste is good with light citrus, cooked agave and a bit of sweetness. Finish is ok but leaves you with some alcohol heat but not in a fun way.

Chad C
Tequila Badass
462 ratings

Good and funky-lactic aroma. Ok to good flavor without much complexity. But the finish is very good. It’s smooth and flavorful.

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1476 ratings

Peniel Castillo
Tequila Phenom
369 ratings

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1476 ratings

Peniel Castillo
Tequila Phenom
369 ratings

Adam Stemmler
Tequila Phenom
349 ratings

cinnamon, baking spices, burnt sugar

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1044 ratings

Scarlet Sanschagrin
Tequila Boss
549 ratings

Tastes like whiskey, even though it's only aged 4 months!

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Ryan Kelley
Jan 04, 2010

Support art and culture with the wonderful flavor of Sino Tequila

It is not a surprise that good tequila makes you feel all warm inside, but with Sino Tequila, you can feel good about just buying the bottle.