Bottle of Santanera Tahona Tequila Blanco

Santanera Tahona Tequila Blanco

Type: Tequila
59 Ratings See All
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Retail Partner Old Town Tequila

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Production Details
NOM : 1123 ,
Agave Type : Tequilana Weber ,
Agave Region : Jalisco (Tequila Valley) ,
Region : Jalisco (Los Valles) ,
Cooking : Stone/Brick Ovens ,
Extraction : Tahona ,
Water Source : Deep well water ,
Fermentation : 100% agave, Cement Tank ,
Distillation : 2x distilled ,
Still : Stainless Steel Pot ,
Aging : - ,
ABV/Proof : 41% abv (82-proof)
Other : -


Aromas & Flavors Detected By Our Community

Aromas Detected

Agave (cooked)
Pepper (black)

Flavors Detected

Pepper (black)
Agave (cooked)
Wet Cement


Personal Scores & Reviews From Our Community

Tequila Savant
277 ratings
  • 85 Rating

Tasted at “Mexico In A Bottle” S.F. 2024

Tequila Phenom
397 ratings
  • 87 Rating

Floral, cooked agave, salinity, mango, minerality

Tequila Phenom
341 ratings
  • 85 Rating

Earthy and vegetal notes with anise and lime. Well done.

Tequila Ninja
187 ratings
  • 87 Rating

Nice vegetal aroma — green bell pepper, green bean, raw agave…. incredibly unique Aromas carries through to the palate. Really nice finish.

Tequila Ninja
193 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Nose on this Blanco is something special, citrus notes are bright/fresh lemon-lime. Cooked agave and slight alcohol. Anise, agave, pepper, citrus and brine are all present at first sip. Finish is has long lingering pepper with brine and cooked agave on the pallet. Another amazing Blanco from NOM 1123

Tequila Badass
443 ratings
  • 87 Rating

NOM 1123 Aroma: Cooked agave, citrus, cinnamon, mineral, brine Flavor: Big cooked agave, earthy cinnamon, wet cement, mineral, brine, olive, anise, pepper. Great mouthfeel. Beautiful long finish. This is a great blanco, thanks to Greg @aged_agave for the opportunity to try it. That said, my value rating is a 4 (even though my pour was on the house), as I'm basing it on the liquor store shelf price. Take out the value rating on TMM and this is a 90+. It really is fantastic though

Tequila Honey Badger
1021 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Nose: cooked agave, citrus, grassy, floral, and light spearmint Flavor: sweet cooked agave, anise, white pepper, earthy, and. Creamy mouth feel Finish: medium, cooked agave, and pepper

Tequila Ninja
187 ratings
  • 80 Rating

A good sipping tequila with mild agave, pepper, and earthy notes. The tahona definitely adds complexity to this tequila.

Tequila Ninja
152 ratings
  • 85 Rating

Tasted blind against a number of other blanco tequilas. Aroma: Citrus, light pepper, herbs - thyme primarily, and cooked agave. Taste: A full-bodied taste with a silky mouthfeel, slightly sweet and grassy. Finish: A mellow but flavorful finish of agave, notes of lime, herbs, and black pepper. An excellent tequila, but it comes with a steep price point.

Tequila Boss
531 ratings
  • 90 Rating

This a delicious blanco, Tasted the gray label from 1123, 6 yr agaves, cement fermentation gives a different dimension. Great flavor profile, of citrus, anise, cooked agave, light pepper. Price point is on the high side, but it is excellent

Tequila Wizard
688 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Feb 25, 2023 SANTANERA TAHONA tasted blind in pepe's tahona blind 2/25/23 Note: these samples were 1/2 oz so it was a bit challenging to get the full essence. I let it sit about 20 mins to open. nose: Anise, agave, pepper, white pepper, vegetal, grass, some funky cheese, malalactic notes. taste: Nose is more complex than taste and finish is a little flat. Deducted a few points for value, at $125 i prefer calle23, Ocho Puntas or 7L70, i.m.o. Rated 86 TMM = aroma excellent,  flavor good, finish short, value avg

Tequila Ninja
144 ratings
  • 88 Rating

A – This baby has an earthy, lactic funk that is unreal. I’m getting cooked agave, mushroom, olive, strong minerals, black pepper, cinnamon, bell pepper, mint, grass, citrus (especially orange peel), hints of tropical fruits, walnut, licorice, and more. If I had any self-control, I’d continue smelling, but I had to dive in. Excellent aroma. If my senses and memory serve me, I’d compare this to Cascahuin Tahona. T – The aroma foreshadowed the taste, but I highlighted the cooked agave, mint, cinnamon, and some green pepper. Again, this thing is a sipper. F – This has a clean finish, warming the entire way down. It certainly left me wanting more. Overall – I want more of this and hope I have this in my collection. This is delicious tequila.

Tequila Ninja
192 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Blind tasting- N- white pepper, tropical fruit, vegetal and grassy T- caramel, honey, pineapple, jalapeno, well balanced MF- oily F- long fading from the sweet notes to a pepper spice

Tequila Boss
589 ratings
  • 79 Rating

Complex aroma with agave, olive brine, minerals, and earth. On taste I’m getting more olive brine and earth. I can see where this would be great for people who love that earthy olive brine flavor, but it’s not tops for me. Tasted this blind and will have to revisit. It’s also quite expensive and that knocks some points off.

Tequila Phenom
347 ratings
  • 85 Rating

A powerhouse scent of sweet agave, black pepper. It tastes of pepper, wet cement, and citrus. A classic Blanco. Medium length, consistent, peppery finish. A tad hot Took a couple points off for price, but this is solid Blanco

Tequila Wizard
616 ratings
  • 91 Rating

Lot 1- white label= 91. Very enjoyable, and very well made tequila, although no copper in the distillation. The nose is exceptional, slightly better than the taste. Price a bit high, but overall I love this blanco sipper. Lot 2(black label)= even sweeter= 92

Tequila Badass
445 ratings
  • 87 Rating

Santanera Tahona Blanco NOM 1123 The nose is bright. I immediately smell agave and clean crisp lemon / lime citrus. There’s a nice underlying minerality with a hint of damp earth. The cooked agave is right up front. It’s buttery. There’s a nice oily mouthfeel where the citrus and earthy brine appear right before a nice fresh jalapeño pepper finish. There’s an underlying natural agave sweetness that runs throughout the sip and into the finish. My small sample ran out so I’ll have to buy a bottle to continue this review. I’d like to rate this great tequila higher but the stiff price tag hinders the score. Salud!

Tequila Honey Badger
1504 ratings
  • 88 Rating

Aroma: agave sweetness, citrus, grassy, minerals, floral Flavor: medium visclus, subtle sweetness, slight pepper Finish: roasted agave, medium/long

Tequila Ninja
183 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Cooked agave, earthy, grass, pepper, and celery in the aroma.

Tequila Wizard
990 ratings
  • 87 Rating

Nose: Minerals, citrus zest, sweet hay and a fleeting waft of celery. A hint of sulfur and a slight umami note. Flavors: Round agave sweetness. Medium oils with creaminess. But on balance, a bit thin compared to other #1123 offerings. Pepper, anise and almond paste. Somewhat subdued tasting profile in comparison to the aromas. Finish: Pleasant, balanced. An easy sipper. It reminds me of a slightly scaled down, flavor diluted Cascahuín Tahona. My second pour is growing on me… At $2080 pesos, this loses a point on value.

Tequila Honey Badger
1447 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Sweet nose, interesting aromatics. Nice viscosity and well balanced on the tongue. Natural agave sweetness on the tongue and a good strong finish with some tip of tongue ethanol and mid tongue roast agave.

Tequila Ninja
146 ratings
  • 81 Rating

Aroma: nose is fantastic. Exactly what i like in a tequila. Vanilla, cooked agave, hint of cinnamon. smells like a highland. Taste: unfortunately doesnt live up to the nose. Loses some of the agave and vanilla. loses some of the complexity the nose had. Adds minerality Finish: solid finish. Watery. Terralta?

Tequila Savant
250 ratings
  • 86 Rating

NOM 1123 and Tahona crushed sold me. Spicy pepper dominates the palate. Was hoping for a little more agave - maybe the lack of copper?

Tequila Wizard
966 ratings
  • 87 Rating

So tasty! Had it at a bar Could rate higher but it’s $$$ Notes coming soon…

Tequila Savant
239 ratings
  • 86 Rating

Earthy and vegetal, with wet-cement and grassy notes on the nose. Bright and clear in the glass. Silky mouthfeel. Cooked agave, citrus notes, green bell pepper, green beans, bit of artichoke, some vanilla, cracked-pepper. Lingering oily finish. Real, real nice.

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