
Jalisco (Ciénega)
Nom 1142

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Doug Price
Tequila Badass
456 ratings

Dom Diaz
Tequila Savant
279 ratings

Chad C
Tequila Badass
488 ratings

Free at hotel hosted happy hour. Wowza! This is the worst tequila I have smelled, tasted and swallowed. I appreciate that some users even fingerprinted this one. It’s bad. This is why some people really don’t like tequila.

Jacob Skoff
Tequila Badass
480 ratings

This is a low shelf and not a 100% agave juice.

Steve Bodie
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

It was either this or Jose Cuervo so I chose this. It’s tolerable but only because I didn’t have much of a choice where I was when I drank it. I’ve had worse so…

Daniel Flores
Tequila Connoisseur
65 ratings

This is hard to judge in my opinion. I’m no panel member nor am I a snob tequila drinker… however I believe the aroma fools the common tequila drinker into thinking it’s a decent tequila. It’s not the worse thing I’ve ever had and it’s BY FAR not even the closest to the best I’ve ever had. Your typical high school / college bro will get this due to its very low price

Jace Cook
Tequila Ninja
176 ratings

Ed Pearce (Ed Tequilaman)
Tequila Savant
216 ratings

Whew…local eatery serves this as their house tequila so I thought I would give it a shot neat- whew…not good at all. I have been spoiled y so many other incredible tequilas. Aroma- alcohol, turpentine, medicinal, and other non tequila qualities. Taste- alcohol, it’s not very good- works in drinks but so many other tequilas- stopping here.

Scot Stetson
Tequila Phenom
346 ratings

Not good to sip. Not good mixed. It has a bad sour taste.