Free at hotel hosted happy hour. Wowza! This is the worst tequila I have smelled, tasted and swallowed. I appreciate that some users even fingerprinted this one. It’s bad. This is why some people really don’t like tequila.
This is a low shelf and not a 100% agave juice.
It was either this or Jose Cuervo so I chose this. It’s tolerable but only because I didn’t have much of a choice where I was when I drank it. I’ve had worse so…
This is hard to judge in my opinion. I’m no panel member nor am I a snob tequila drinker… however I believe the aroma fools the common tequila drinker into thinking it’s a decent tequila. It’s not the worse thing I’ve ever had and it’s BY FAR not even the closest to the best I’ve ever had. Your typical high school / college bro will get this due to its very low price
Whew…local eatery serves this as their house tequila so I thought I would give it a shot neat- whew…not good at all. I have been spoiled y so many other incredible tequilas. Aroma- alcohol, turpentine, medicinal, and other non tequila qualities. Taste- alcohol, it’s not very good- works in drinks but so many other tequilas- stopping here.
Not good to sip. Not good mixed. It has a bad sour taste.