
Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1438

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Remy Newland
Tequila Wizard
974 ratings

A sample provided by a friend. Not a big fan.

Zach Apostoleris
Tequila Ninja
135 ratings

Big agave on this which I love. I catch some pepper and a hint of olive at the end. A bit hot on the finish but I like it!!

Lou Agave (Long Island Lou Tequila)
Tequila Boss
530 ratings

It's ok and great for $28.99, but overall it is yeasty with an vanilla cream taste ah alcohol on the nose and in the mouth. You're better off upgrading for a few dollars more.

John Mehrkens (@jmehrk35)
Tequila Phenom
370 ratings

Mike Thomas
Tequila Ninja
161 ratings

Solid tequila. I was skeptical, but its a very well-balanced juice. Very agave forward on the nose. It has that earthy smell and feel of a valley tequila, but it finishes with the minerality reminiscent of a highlands pina. When you smell it, it screams tequila valley/town. And they do source their agaves in los altos and distill in el valle. Its a very solid tequila. I enjoyed the aromas and first impression better than the finish.

Jay MacRaild
Tequila Badass
494 ratings

Yep, same style as other contract brands that are popping up like moles and it’s fucking delicious! Agave is around every corner, it’s a tad boozy but that just compels me to add lime and triple sec. great find!

Adam Stemmler
Tequila Phenom
349 ratings

Scarlet Sanschagrin
Tequila Boss
548 ratings

Not bad but put off by the finish.

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1042 ratings

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Long Island Lou Tequila
Nov 27, 2019

Long Island Lou's review of Aguamiel Blanco

Lou shares his opinion of Aguamiel Blanco, on video.